At this moment, the only other tool available that has a decent Scheduler support is DbVisualizer. There may be more tools, but this one runs on multiple platforms and is very easily configurable.
This tool has some surprises. Initially, it was only a browsing tool, but that has changed over time. If you have the chance to play with it, Ctrl + click on everything you see in the object tree. When you do so, you will see a pop-up menu that lists actions that can be performed on the selected object. This is very context-sensitive and gives a clean user interface.
The Scheduler support built into DbVisualizer is the users' contributions, from Nathan Aaron and someone who is writing about Oracle Scheduler and was missing a simple Scheduler interface (that's me), to the tool. Take a look at http://dbvis.com/ and ask for a demo license. It works on almost anything that has a CPU in it. DbVisualizer uses the JDBC interface to connect to the database. When connected, you get to see...