As we discussed earlier, scripting is a vital component to an efficient, smooth-running Enterprise GIS system. Scripts, however, typically rely on inputs and outputs that are fixed and well-known; once something goes wrong with those inputs or outputs, errors can start to pop up. Knowing how to best evaluate, diagnose, and resolve script issues quickly is an important skill for any ArcGIS Enterprise administrator.
Troubleshooting in production
Before we go any further here, let's discuss where you should troubleshoot. When something goes wrong with your scripted process in production, you may be tempted to quickly try and troubleshoot the problem there, in your production environment.
Be very careful troubleshooting in production!
Troubleshooting an issue in production can be risky. I'm not going to say not to do it because many GIS shops only have production and don't have the luxury of test and development environments. However, if you must troubleshoot in production, try to isolate...