Elements Web and Mobile Companion App
Photoshop Elements on the web has been a 'thing' just since Elements 2023. Although it's still in its 'Beta' mode (and still only available in English), it continues to have a presence - and though its features are somewhat limited compared to the parent software, I can see it developing further over the next few versions. Evidence of this comes with the release of an Elements Mobile Companion App that mirrors the features of the Web App. Again, this is only available in English, but it might well develop more features in future releases.
Right: Welcome to my Elements Web Companion App page! The page displays my uploaded media plus any 'creations' I might have made. Adobe offers up to 2Gb of free storage.
Above: Elements online comes with a number of creations and those projects all have multiple layout options, allowing you to re-size the creations to fit formats for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest...