AD FS configuration database
AD FS configuration settings need to be saved in a database. AD FS supports two types of databases. The simplest method is to use the Windows Internal Database (WID), which comes with the AD FS installation. This is not a standalone database installation, and it is capable of providing high availability by copying databases to other servers in the AD FS farm. When we go for the AD FS configuration, it gives two deployment options:
- Create the first federation server in a federation server farm
- Add the federation server to a federation server farm
If WID is used with the first option, then WID will be deployed with scalability, which allows servers to be added to the farm later and replicate WID. The first server in the farm will be the primary server and it will host the read/write copy of the database.
When we use the second option, the newly added server will replicate the copy of WID from the primary server, and it will...