Time for action - looking at some real-life Maharas
1. In your browser, go to http://mahara.org. Right there on the front page are some examples of Mahara in action. This page itself is also a Mahara!
2. Click on one of the views in the middle of the page. There are lots of different ones to choose from. Click around and have a look at the variety of practical uses you can use Mahara for! Can you see a view in there created by one of the authors of this book?

3. Visit http://mahara.tdm.info to have a look at our website We are using Mahara as a member's only subsection of our company's public-facing website. Feel free to register yourself as a user (right-hand column). You might find some interesting views on ePortfolios and e-Learning and e-Business in general in here.
4. Visit http://demo.mahara.org to go to Mahara's demo site. This is Mahara's demo site. Yet another Mahara site! This is a really useful site as you can register and have a bit of a play around with Mahara safely in here.
What just happened?
You have just started to look at Mahara and what it can do.
You've had a look at some examples of Mahara in practice.
You've looked at the demo site where you can have a play around with Mahara before installing it.