Creating headings
As mentioned, we use headings to provide structure to the page and we can use Paragraph or Character styles to define how those headings look. That's what we'll do now:
1. If it's not already open, open the Learning page in the Design view.
2. Select the Text tool and drag out a text frame under the Windsurf Wild text logo.
3. Type in the words
Learn How to Windsurf
.4. Highlight the words you've just typed, then apply the following formatting either through the Control Panel or the Text panel:
5. Font:
6. Size:
7. Bold
8. Color: Navy (
).9. In the Paragraph Styles panel, click on the Create New Style button.
10. Double-click on the new paragraph style and name it
Heading 1
in the Style Options dialog box. From the Paragraph Tag drop-down menu, chooseHeadline (H1)
. This is how we tell Muse that this particular piece of text is the most important text on the page.
So that's our Heading 1 style created. Let's apply it on the Gear page:
1. Open the Gear page in the...