A short self-assessment exercise
Are you ready for a warmup to refresh your Inkscape knowledge? To reach a higher level in any skill, knowing your current level is important. The goal of the following test exercise is to give you a realistic view of your Inkscape skills.
This short test is self-graded, so finish the exercise on your own first, then answer the questions of the evaluation. After that, you are free to look into my method to solve this task on the following pages, but for the best learning experience, please finish the task first on your own!
Your task: copy this business card design in the best possible way you can!
Figure 1.3 – Recreate this business card design in Inkscape
Here are a few hints and criteria:
- Create a card that is standard size 90*50 mm (or 3.5”x2”).
- Add the two background shapes on the left and the text on the right.
- Work with text and color and use gradients.
- Save the card as a...