Producing the low-level design
From an architecture point of view, the services that are going to be deployed are not too dissimilar from those we covered in Chapter 4, Deploying to Microsoft Azure:

Figure 5.3 – An overview of the services we will be deploying into AWS
The core services we are going to be deploying are as follows:
- Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) is the first difference in the services we will be deploying. Azure Load Balancer only distributed TCP requests between our WordPress instances. However, in AWS, we will launch ELB configured as Application Load Balancer, which will terminate our HTTP requests and distribute them across our WordPress instances.
- Amazon EC2 is the compute service. For our WordPress deployment, we will be deploying a single Amazon EC2 instance, which will be used to bootstrap WordPress, and then the rest of the Amazon EC2 instances will be auto-scaling.
- We will be using a combination of...