Installing the Chef Development kit and Puppet Collections
The Chef ecosystem is as rich as Chef itself is complex; there's a myriad of tools filling almost every imaginable task we can think of. Chef being written in Ruby, a lot of those tools are also written in Ruby and over the years, the usual dependency hell between tools, plugins, code, and various Ruby versions led to a simple solution—the Chef DK. The Chef DK also brings a nice selection of the best tools and environments that work well together.
We'll see how to install the Chef DK and quickly describe what it includes.
The current Chef DK version is 1.1.16.
Getting ready
To work through this recipe, you will need the following:
An Internet connection
A physical or virtual machine
How to do it…
The Chef DK can be downloaded from There're versions for most platforms: Debian, Red Hat-based systems, Ubuntu, and Windows. Simply download the package corresponding to your platform and install it. For example...