Now, it’s time to check your knowledge. Select the best response to the following questions and then check your answers, found in the Assessment section at the end of the book:
- Iris recognition provides an effortless way to obtain biometric data, as cameras can obtain a high-quality image at a comfortable distance. This relates to the desired biometric feature of _____.
a. Universal
b. Permanent
c. Collectability
d. Performance
- The colored portion of the eye area is called the _____, which comprises three structures: the iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid.
a. Uvea
b. Retina
c. Sclera
d. Cornea
- When dealing with diseases of the eye, _____is where the shape of the pupil is altered from a normal round appearance.
a. Coloboma
b. Synechia
c. Dyscoria
d. Corectopia
- One way to evaluate whether a sample matches a template is by calculating the _____distance, which is the result of comparing two binary values.
a. Uvea
b. Universal
c. Collectable
d. Hamming