As we discussed in the first section of this chapter (Defining importance), the neighborhood approach is not the only way to measure importance. Another approach is to use a path within the graph. In this section, we will discover two new centrality metrics: closeness and betweenness centrality.
Closeness centrality
Closeness centrality measures how close a node is, on average, to all the other nodes in the graph. It can be seen as centrality from a geometrical point of view.
The corresponding formula is as follows:
Cn = 1 / ∑ d(n, m)
Here, m denotes all the nodes in the graph that are different from n, and d(n, m) is the distance of the shortest path between n and m.
A node that is, on average, closer to all other nodes will have a low ∑ d(n, m), resulting in high centrality.
Closeness centrality prevents us from comparing values across graphs with different numbers of nodes since graphs with more nodes will have more terms in...