If you are thirsty to learn more, I can completely understand. Finding good materials on the subject is hard, despite the community being very wild, friendly, and very nice.
For sure, the first place to look is the Official Documentation (https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/), which needs to be integrated with the Forum and Answerhub.
Secondly, participating in events is a great way to connect with people and share knowledge. Did you know that Unreal Engine has official meetups around all the globe? Check it out: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/user-groups.
Other events include Unreal Fest, GDC, and Gamescom (among many others).
If you are looking for more traditional resources instead, such as books and blogs, there are a few resources about Unreal Engine (especially related to AI in some way) that I found particularly useful. These are personal blogs...