The setup – Palmer's Penguins
For this chapter, we'll be using a delightful dataset about Arctic penguins that comes from the work of Dr. Kristen Gorman ( and the Palmer Station, Antarctica LTER (
Dataset acknowledgment
Data from the Palmer LTER data repository was supported by the Office of Polar Programs, NSF Grants OPP-9011927, OPP-9632763, and OPP-0217282.
This data is a common alternative to the famous Iris datasets and includes data on 344 individual penguins with 3 species represented. The data can be found in the GitHub repository for this book (, in the penguin_app
folder entitled penguins.csv
As we've discussed before, Streamlit apps run from inside our Python script. This sets the base directory to the location of the Python file with our Streamlit app, which means we can access any other files that...