StackGAN is a two-stage network. Each stage has two generators and two discriminators. StackGAN is made up of many networks, which are as follows:
- Stack-I GAN: text encoder, Conditioning Augmentation network, generator network, discriminator network, embedding compressor network
- Stack-II GAN: text encoder, Conditioning Augmentation network, generator network, discriminator network, embedding compressor network
Source: arXiv:1612.03242 [cs.CV]
The preceding image is self-explanatory. It represents both stages of the StackGAN network. As you can see, the first stage is generating images with dimensions of 64x64. Then the second stage takes these low-resolution images and generates high-resolution images with dimensions of 256x256. In the next few sections, we will explore the different components in the StackGAN network. Before doing this, however, let...