The jumping elephant or how to animate the scene
By now, you should have a good understanding about the items, the scene, and the view. With your knowledge of how to create items, standard and custom ones, of how to position them on the scene, and of how to set up the view to show the scene, you can make pretty awesome things. You even can zoom and move the scene with the mouse. That's surely good, but for a game, one crucial point is still missing: you have to animate the items. Instead of going through all possibilities for how to animate a scene, let us develop a simple jump-and-run game where we recap parts of the previous topics and learn how to animate items on a screen. So let's meet Benjamin, the elephant:

The game play
The goal of the game is for Benjamin to collect the coins that are placed all over the game field. Besides walking right and left, Benjamin can, of course, also jump. In the following screenshot, you see what this minimalistic game should look like in the end: