In the previous chapter, we had a high-level look at animation and the development of the game design for your SuperSideScroller
project. You were provided with just the beginning steps in the development of the project itself. You also prepared the player' characters' animation blueprint, character blueprint, and imported all of the required skeletal and animation assets.
At this point, the character can move around the level, but is stuck in the T-Pose and does not animate at all. This can be fixed by creating a new Blend Space for the player character, which will be done in the very first exercise of this chapter. Once the Blend Space is complete, you will implement this in the character animation blueprint in order for the character to animate while moving.
In this chapter, you will be working with many new functions, asset types, and variables in order to achieve the desired movement of the player character. Some of these include the Try Get Pawn...