Displaying remote data with a combo box
This recipe explains how to populate the Make combo box with data from the server, as seen in the following screenshot:

How to do it...
1. Create the data store:
var makesStore=new Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: 'cars-makes.php', baseParams:{cmd:'makes'}, root: 'makes', fields: ['id', 'name'] });
2. Declare the combo box:
var MakeCombo={ xtype: 'combo', store: makesStore, displayField: 'name', valueField: 'id', editable: false, mode: 'remote', forceSelection: true, triggerAction: 'all', fieldLabel: 'Make'', emptyText: 'Select a make...', selectOnFocus: true }
3. Create a form to host the combo box:
Ext.onReady(function() { var newCarForm=new Ext.FormPanel({ frame: true, title: 'Get a quote', bodyStyle: 'padding:5px', width: 420, id: 'make-selector-frm', url: 'new-car.php', items: [ MakeCombo ], buttons: [{ text: 'Go', handler: function() { Ext.getCmp('make-selector-frm').getForm().submit(); } }, { text: 'Cancel' }] }); newCarForm.render(document.body...