Defining goals
The goals here are the same as the business goals, but broken down into smaller time frames. For example, the goal for the first quarter after the platform's launch could be to have x number of visits; in the second quarter, it could be x number of registered users, and so on. But these goals should be tied to the long-term business goals such as x amount of total revenue, x number of recurring users, or x% of posts shared. The goals that must be measured would also depend on the phase of the business.
In the start up phase, the goals are used to create awareness, increase the footprint, and grab the market; for example, increasing producer and consumer onboarding, or increasing the number of transactions. In the growth phase, goals are focused on expanding the business, such as increasing the rate of recurring consumers, increasing the longevity of producers on the platform, and increasing the value per transaction. In the maturity phase, the goals revolve around...