HTML5 canvas
Canvas is a 2D bitmap drawing capability (3D canvas context can be used by Web Graphics Library (WebGL)) that browsers provide and expose, JavaScript APIs, to interact with. It's completely integrated into HTML5 documents, controlled using JavaScript, and styled using CSS. As opposed to vector systems like Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), which is not part of the HTML5 spec, bitmap objects are drawn non-layered, as a flat picture, thus modifying objects, already on the canvas, will affect the entire canvas element.
Uses for canvas technology can vary from providing, in-browser, free-style drawing (think Microsoft Paint in your browser), create games, and create graphs. All of which is natively supported, within the browser, without requiring the use of Flash or other third-party plugins.
Using the canvas feature is possible by simply stating a new element as follows:
<canvas height="800" width="600" id="freestyle_draw"> Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas </canvas...