The need for blue and purple teams
As discussed in Chapter 1, Red, Blue, and Purple Teaming Fundamentals, blue teams are more concerned with DFIR, and purple teamers are those individuals who can operate and understand both the offensive and defensive sides of cybersecurity.
In recent times, and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns, you may have read or noticed that there was a substantial increase in cyberattacks. A major contributing factor to these attacks will have been the lack of awareness training by employees at all levels who may have fallen victim to phishing attacks. There were numerous phishing campaigns during the lockdown period, which tricked and social-engineered users into either opening malicious emails or divulging personal or corporate information. This was done by threat actors using email subjects relating to Covid-19 outbreaks, health updates, and even through requests for help from the compromised (hacked) email accounts of friends and family...