Setting up the data model
As you’ve seen, there are multiple ways of setting up your data model: you can do it from the page builder as well as while building your page. I’d recommend starting with designing your data model as much as you can before building the pages. This doesn’t mean you have to build all the models and properties at the start of your project, but having a good outline can help you quickly catch any mistakes, so you don’t have to repair these later. You can always add more properties or models as you move along with your project, of course – it doesn’t have to be perfect from the start.
In this project, we’ll build a to-do application. This application will store a list of tasks that users have to perform.
Let’s get started by creating our task model. For now, we’ll create it in the data model view, but it’s also possible to create your data model while creating your pages. We’ll...