Vectors are the most basic data structures in R, and they are ubiquitous indeed. In fact, even the single values that we've been working with thus far were actually vectors of length 1. That's why the interactive R console has been printing [1] along with all of our output.
Vectors are essentially an ordered collection of values of the same atomic data type. Vectors can be arbitrarily large (with some limitations) or they can be just one single value.
The canonical way of building vectors manually is using the c() function (which stands for combine):
> our.vect <- c(8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9) > our.vect [1] 8 6 7 5 3 0 9
In the preceding example, we created a numeric vector of length 7 (namely, Jenny's telephone number).
Let's try to put character data types into this vector as follows:
> another.vect <- c("8", 6, 7, "-", 3, "0", 9) > another.vect [1] "8" "6" "7" "-" "3" "0" "9"
R would convert all the items in the vector (called elements) into character data types to satisfy the condition that all elements of a vector must be of the same type. A similar thing happens when you try to use logical values in a vector with numbers; the logical values would be converted into 1 and 0 (for TRUE and FALSE, respectively). These logicals will turn into TRUE and FALSE (note the quotation marks) when used in a vector that contains characters.