Joomla! templates
Joomla! is a very popular CMS, written in PHP language. To be able to use it, you will need a hosting account that supports PHP and access to one database on MySQL database server. Joomla! is a free, open source software, licensed under the terms of GPL 2, which simply means that you can use it free of charge for commercial purposes too (you can find text of this license at You can download the newest version of Joomla! installer from While I'm writing this book, the newest, long-term, stable version is 2.5.9, and this is the version we are going to work with in this chapter.
Template Areas
Artisteer-generated Joomla! templates contain the following Areas:

If you look closely at the figure, you will see that every area has two names. The first name is associated with the area's destination, while the second name is given in brackets and is built on the position-number pattern (that is, position...