Chapter 2. All those Wonderful Writing Features
Celtx does more than just practically write your script for you (well, it's not that easy, some creative effort is required on our part, but this software makes scripting much easier). This chapter gives us the VIP overview and a tour of Celtx's powerful writing features.
To simplify, it's about assistants.
In this chapter, we will:
See how Celtx assists us in developing important parts of our story such as props, characters, and thirty-six other production categories.
Experience the ways in which Celtx takes care of stuff that otherwise slows the writing process down, such as intuitive formatting and easy shortcuts.
Learn to "write once, use many" with Celtx's Adapt feature.
Visit the power of the Typeset feature, which automatically formats our scripts to industry standards, whether going to paper or to a PDF file (Portable Document Format), which, more and more, is becoming the way agents, managers, and producers want to receive finished scripts...