Using Index Cards
Included in Celtx are reversible color-coded Index Cards, yet another type of assistant making your job as scriptwriter easier. Celtx ties these cards to the proper place in your script and puts the scene heading and first 40 or so words of the scene on this electronic "card." You flip the card on the screen to type notes and color code them to follow plot lines. You can also drag and drop them to move scenes around.
What does that mean? Something truly powerful! Let's see for ourselves.
At the bottom of the script window, click on the Index Cards tab, as shown in the following screenshot:

The script window is now full of blank cards; the numbers on the cards correspond to the scene numbers in our script.

This "side" of the cards may be thought of as the "back" (and is for our notes). Ah, then what's on the front? Click on the Show Script button just above the top row of cards. Blap! The cards flip over and we have every single scene in the script with the heading and the...