- activity flow diagram
- about / Activity flow diagram
- Agile methodology
- about / Evolution of software development methodologies
- advantages / Evolution of software development methodologies
- disadvantages / Evolution of software development methodologies
- about / Monitoring the process
- process management / Process management
- process metrics analysis / Process metrics analysis
- process forcasting / Process forecasting
- points, setting up on graph / Set up the BAM points on the graph
- for software development / The BPM approach to software development
- history / Thsoftware development, BPMmethodologiese emergence of key technologies
- management theory / Meanwhile—management theory
- business process / What is a business process and why do we want to manage it?
- business process, re-engineering / Business process improvement and re-engineering
- business process, improving / Business process improvement and re-engineering, FrBPMbusiness process, improvingom this convergence, BPM emerges
- key definition / Business process management: a definition
- advantages / Key benefits of BPM
- useful situations / Typical business scenarios ripe for BPM
- suite / Introducing our example BPM suite
- JBoss jBPM / JBoss jBPM
- JBoss / JBoss
- SeeWhy / SeeWhy business intelligence platform
- documentation / Business process documentation
- Business Analyst
- advantages / Evolution of software development methodologies
- business scenario
- about / Introducing our example business scenario
- project initiation document / Project initiation document
- project objective / Example
- success criteria / Example
- high level project plan / Example
- processes / Example
- project scope / Example
- project team / Example
- process owner / Example
- subject matter expert / Example
- workflow, mapping / Example
- process, building / Building our example process
- swimlanes, adding / Add our swimlanes
- nodes, adding / Adding our nodes
- database back end, swapping
- about / Swapping the database back end
- database server, installing / Install the database server
- database tables, installing / Install the database tables
- data, importing / Import the data
- JNDI data source, setting up / Set up a JNDI data source
- MySQL driver, installing / Install the MySQL driver
- JBoss configuration, amending / Amend the JBoss configuration
- hibernate configuration, amending / Amend the hibernate configuration
- designer user interface
- package explorer / Package explorer
- editor area / Editor area
- diagram, editor area / Diagramdesigner user interfacediagram, editor area
- swimlanes, editor area / Swimlanesinstallation, JBossdesigner user interfacedesigner user interfaceswimlanes, editor area
- deployment, editor area / Deploymentinstallation, JBossdesigner user interfacedesigner user interfacedeployment, editor area
- design, editor area / Designinstallation, JBossdesigner user interfacedesigner user interfacedesign, editor area
- source, editor area / Sourceinstallation, JBossdesigner user interfacedesigner user interfacesource, editor area
- properties explorer / Properties explorerinstallation, JBossdesigner user interfacedesigner user interfaceproperties explorer
- outline view / Outline viewdesigner user interfaceoutline view
- documentation, BPM
- about / Business process documentation
- required features / What kind of documentation?
- creating, wiki used / Using a wiki, documentation, BPMcreating, wiki usedIdeas for further development
- email notifications, SeeWhy used
- setting up / Set up email notifications, Configure a notification, Setting up your email client, Testing the notifications
- alerting / Tell SeeWhy when to alert
- configuring / Configure a notification
- email client, setting up / Setting up your email client
- testing / Testing the notifications
- implementation
- preparing / Preparation for implementation
- plan / Implementation plan
- web console, customizing / Customizing the web console
- database back end, swapping / Swapping the database back end, Install the database server, Install the database tables, Set up a JNDI data source, Amend the JBoss configuration, Amend the hibernate configuration
- installation, JBoss
- Java, installing / Install Java
- JBoss application server, installing / Install the JBoss jBPM engine and the JBoss application server
- JBoss jBPM engine, installing / Install the JBoss jBPM engine and the JBoss application server
- JBoss jBPM designer, installing / Install the JBoss jBPM designer
- shortcuts, setting up / Set up shortcuts
- designer user interface / Touring the designer's user interface, Package explorer, Swimlanesinstallation, JBossdesigner user interfacedesigner user interfaceswimlanes, editor area, Deploymentinstallation, JBossdesigner user interfacedesigner user interfacedeployment, editor area, Designinstallation, JBossdesigner user interfacedesigner user interfacedesign, editor area, Sourceinstallation, JBossdesigner user interfacedesigner user interfacesource, editor area, Properties explorerinstallation, JBossdesigner user interfacedesigner user interfaceproperties explorer, Outline viewdesigner user interfaceoutline view
- JBoss
- about / JBoss
- process, developing / Introduction
- architecture / The JBoss jBPM architecture
- installing / Installation
- engine, installing / Install the JBoss jBPM engine and the JBoss application server
- designer, installing / Install the JBoss jBPM designer
- concept / JBoss jBPM concepts
- jPDL / jBPM process definition language—jPDL
- annual benefit, calculating / Determine the real ROI of the system
- jPDL
- about / jBPM process definition language—jPDL
- nodes / Nodes
- transitions / Transitions
- actions / Actions
- swimlanes / Swimlanes
- process variables / Process variables
- process state / Process state
- super state / Super state
- kick off meeting
- about / Kick-off meeting
- nodes
- about / Nodes
- tasks / Tasks
- state / State
- joins / Forks and joins
- forks / Forks and joins
- decision / Decision
- node / Node
- adding / Adding our nodes
- process, analyzing
- about / Analyze the process
- workflow, mapping / Map the workflow
- responsibilities, identifying / Identify roles and responsibilities
- roles, identifying / Identify roles and responsibilities
- activity flow diagram / Activity flow diagram
- RACI matrix / RACI matrix
- RACI matrix with the process / Put metrics alongside the process, Example
- quick win, identifying / Identify quick wins, Example
- rapid implementation projects / Identify quick wins
- improving / Process analysis and improvement
- process, developing
- processes breaking, superstars used / Breaking up the process into phases using superstates
- process hierarchy / Abstracting into a process hierarchy
- process driven enterprise, building / Building a process-driven enterprise
- business rule processing, automating / Automate business rules processing, process, developingbusiness rule processing, automatingReplace the user information database
- user information database, replacing / process, developingbusiness rule processing, automatingReplace the user information database
- document management / Document management
- process, improving
- process metrics, tracking / Track process metrics
- request process, changing / Change request processes, jBPM changes
- process changes
- requesting / Change request processes, jBPM changes
- business process changes / Business process changes
- jBPM changes / jBPM changes
- process forecasting
- about / Process forecasting
- process management
- about / Process management
- process metrics analysis
- about / Process metrics analysis
- process reporting suite
- about / Example process reporting suite
- SeeWhy Business Intelligence platform, integrating / Integrating the SeeWhy business intelligence platform
- project, assessing
- about / Project assessment
- project post mortem / Project post mortem
- evaluating / Evaluate project versus success criteria
- ROI, determining / Determine the real ROI of the system
- project, setting up
- business scenario / Introducing our example business scenario
- initiation document / Project initiation document, Example
- scope, deciding / Scope the target process, Example
- team, forming / Put together the project team, Example, Identify process owners and subject matter experts, Example
- kick off meeting / Kick-off meeting
- project initiation document
- about / Project initiation document
- uses / Project initiation document
- project objective, identifying / Project initiation document
- success criteria, identifying / Project initiation document
- high level project plan / Project initiation document
- project team
- forming / Put together the project team
- project sponsors, identifying / Identify project sponsors
- project office / Project office
- subject matter experts / Identify process owners and subject matter experts
- process owners / Identify process owners and subject matter experts
- proof of concept
- setting up / Set up for the proof of concept
- team, setting up / Set up the team
- expectations, setting up / Set expectations
- planning / Plan the proof-of-concept program
- requirements, capturing / Capture requirements
- jBPM, making available on server / Make jBPM available on a server, Runproof of conceptjBPM, making available on server the proof of concept
- running / Runproof of conceptjBPM, making available on server the proof of concept
- prototype, iterating
- about / Iterate the systemprototype, iteratingabout
- process changes / Process changes
- task, priotarizing / Task prioritization
- system, integrating / Integration with other systems
- prototype user interface
- building / Build the prototype
- developing / Develop the prototype user interface
- users, setting up / Set up our users
- process, deploying / Deploy the process and user interface
- deploying / Deploy the process and user interface
- iterating / Iterate the systemprototype, iteratingabout
- quick wins
- identifying / Identify quick wins
- keywords / Identify quick wins
- RACI matrix
- about / RACI matrix
- rules / RACI matrix
- process, putting along side / Put metrics alongside the process
- process, evaluating / Put metrics alongside the process
- rapid implementation projects
- identifying / Identify quick wins
- responsibilities
- identifying / Identify roles and responsibilities
- determining / Determine the real ROI of the system
- increased revenue / Determine the real ROI of the system
- reduction in costs / Determine the real ROI of the system
- roles
- identifying / Identify roles and responsibilities
- scope of project
- about / Scope the target process
- process / Scope the target process
- process, defining / Scope the target process
- process hierarchy / Scope the target process
- SeeWhy
- about / Integrating the SeeWhy business intelligence platform
- getting / Get SeeWhy
- installing / Install SeeWhy
- BAM points, setting up on graph / Set up the BAM points on the graph
- action handler code / Make the action handler code available to jBPM
- jBPM JBoss server, configuring / Configure the jBPM JBoss server
- process event / Telling SeeWhy about our process event
- event interface, configuring / Configuring SeeWhy's incoming event interface
- data, interpreting / Tell SeeWhy how to interpret the data
- features / Taking it further
- email notifications, setting up / Set up email notifications, Configure a notification, Testing the notifications
- BAM, using for / Using SeeWhy for BAM
- software development
- BPM approach, using / The BPM approach to software development
- software development, BPM
- methodologies / Evolution of software development methodologies, Thsoftware development, BPMmethodologiese emergence of key technologies
- waterfall approach, disadvantages / Evolution of software development methodologies
- waterfall approach / Evolution of software development methodologies
- Agile methodology / Evolution of software development methodologies
- project life cycle / Introducing our suggested project lifecycle
- success criteria
- about / Evaluate project versus success criteria
- swimlanes
- adding / Add our swimlanes
- user interface
- prototype, building / Build the prototype
- prototype, developing / Develop the prototype user interface
- users
- setting up / Set up our users
- web console interface
- working with / Investigating the web console interface
- about / Investigating the web console interface
- end users / End users
- managers / Managers
- adapting / Adapt the web console, Sign off for web console interfaceadaptingthe proof of concept
- wiki
- about / Using a wiki
- documentation, creating / Using a wiki
- workflow
- mapping / Map the workflow
- mapping, flowchart technique used / Map the workflow
- process mapping tools / Map the workflow
- notations / Map the workflow