Multiselecting parameters and binding them to a dataset through Property Binding
As we have discussed Expressions, now would be a good time to discuss Proeprty Binding. Property Binding is a mechanism in data sources and datasets that allows us to override values at run time through scripting. For example, let's say we need to change the value of a data source to point to a production database in a runtime environment, but want it to point to a development database while we are designing the report. Property Binding could be one way to accomplish this. We could set a report parameter, or a system environment variable, and using Property Binding, can change the JDBC URL on the fly. Property Binding will replace the value at runtime.
In the following example, we are going to look at using Property Binding to change a dataset's SQL query to use a multiselect parameter, to allow a report user to select multiple customers from a database and see their orders:
1. Create a new report called