Running an Azure DevOps pipeline
We will start this section by creating an Azure DevOps pipeline. Your Azure DevOps pipeline will be kicked off any time you make a change to your code and push it to the main branch:
- Inside Azure DevOps on the left-hand pane, select Pipelines and you will see the following screen:

Figure 9.59 – Creating your first Azure DevOps Pipeline
- Click on the Create Pipeline button to begin the process, which will bring up the following window:

Figure 9.60 – Selecting where your code is located
- In the previous section, Preparing your MLOps environment, you placed your code into a code repository in Azure DevOps. Select the Azure Repos Git option from the preceding screenshot and this will ask you to select your repository, as shown in the following screenshot. Select your mlops repository here.

Figure 9.61 – Selecting your repository...