What’s new in Angular?
If following in the footsteps of Microsoft and the .NET Foundation in recent years has not been an easy task, things were not going to get any better when we turned our eyes to the client-side web framework known as Angular. To understand what happened there, we have to go back 10 years to when JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and MooTools were dominating the client-side scene; the first client-side frameworks, such as Dojo, Backbone.js, and Knockout.js, were struggling to gain popularity and reach wide adoption; and stuff such as React and Vue.js didn’t even exist.
Truth be told, jQuery is still dominating the scene to a huge extent, at least according to BuiltWith (https://trends.builtwith.com/javascript/javascript-library) and w3Techs (https://w3techs.com/technologies/overview/javascript_library/all). However, despite being used by 74.1% of all websites, it’s definitely an option chosen less often by web developers than...