While OpenWhisk is envisioned as a vendor-neutral FaaS platform, multiple vendors have adopted it as their FaaS platform. The prominent vendors are IBM and Adobe. IBM exposes most of the OpenWhisk features and runtime support without restrictions through its IBM Cloud functions. Adobe has a more customized and restricted version of OpenWhisk on its Adobe I/O Runtime platform. I/O Runtime allows only JavaScript on the Node.js runtime and runs on Adobe’s Experience platform.
In this chapter, we covered the programming model of OpenWhisk followed by its architecture and deployment. We also created a sample action along with triggers and rules. We learned about web actions, feeds, the API gateway, and more. This is a great platform with a lot of potential, and businesses that want to take control of their FaaS environment can definitely consider OpenFaaS as an ideal choice.
This concludes our chapter on OpenWhisk as well as the second part of this book, where we covered...