In this chapter, we looked at the key steps required to build a complex RTOS-based software application and specifically its associated software design flow within the Vitis IDE. We covered all the steps required in this process. We also looked at the platform generation using an existing XSA file for a known demo board to generate a platform and its associated project domain. Then, we learned how to generate a software application associated with the created domain and showed the necessary settings for the FreeRTOS embedded OS. We also generated an application software project example to run on FreeRTOS. We delved into the bootloader topic and how to create and customize the BSP for both the FSBL and FreeRTOS software application projects. Then, we built and ran these software projects on the QEMU virtual platform within the Vitis IDE. The output loggings from the software application on the QEMU console echoed a successful software application run.
In the next chapter...