V.3 Context
This section describes the environment of DokChess- who are its users, and with which other systems does it interact with.
3.1 Business Context
The following figure depicts the domain perspective of DokChess:
Figure 5.7: DokChess business context
The following table lists the different elements of the business context of DokChess:
Figure 5.8: Actors of DokChess
3.2 Deployment Context
The following figure depicts the deployment perspective of DokChess:
Figure 5.9: Technical communication of DokChess with third parties
The following table describes the various elements of deployment context for DokChess:
Figure 5.10: Deployment elements for DokChess
On Endgames
The implementation of a connection to endgame databases (such as Nalimov Endgame tablebases (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endgame_tablebase)) has been dropped due to the effort of implementation (refer V 11.2 Risk: Effort of implementation). The design, however, is open to...