Time for action — open a No-IP.com account
There are several Dynamic DNS providers available, and you can get a free account from almost any of them. In this exercise, I'll use the No-IP.com Dynamic DNS provider to show you how to run your Roller weblog from a PC connected to the Internet through a firewall:
Open your web browser and go to the No-IP.com free service web page at http://www.no-ip.com/services/managed_dns/free_dynamic_dns.html. Type your e-mail address (the same one that you're using for your Roller weblog) and click on the Sign Up Now! button:
The Create Your No-IP Account page will show up next. Fill in all the required fields (password, first and last name, security question, and so on), read the Terms of Service, and click on the I Accept, Create my Account button to create your No-IP account:
No-IP will send you a confirmation e-mail. You need to click on the link included in this confirmation e-mail to verify your e-mail address and login to your NO-IP account. Once you...