InputMask is a special kind of input component that minimizes the chances for the user to input incorrect data. It applies flexible validation with the provided masking template. This is especially useful to enter input in a certain format, such as numeric, alphanumeric, date, currency, email, and phone. A basic example of an InputMask component for a phone number input would be as follows:
<p-inputMask id="basic" name="basic" mask="99-999999"
[(ngModel)]="simple" placeholder="99-999999"/>
As per the preceding example, the mask value (999) 999-9999 depicts that only a number can be input along with the parenthesis and dashed structure. Due to the usage of the placeholder with the same mask value, it suggests the kind of input format that needs to be provided. The initial display of the input looks as follows:

Once the input gets the focus, the numbers in the mask format will be replaced with an...