Setting up The Sherlock Project on Firebase
Firebase is a cloud platform, so we don't need to install anything locally on our machine. To use Firebase tools and features in our project, all we need to do is create a new project there and get the required credentials:
Head to , click the CREATE NEW PROJECT button, and enter the name of the project there:
In the next page just copy all the credentials lines. We don't need to copy the whole script because we are not going to use JavaScript for using Firebase.
We will use AngularFire to import and use Firebase. Using AngularFire makes the project and the development process consistent. Because as we will see, it comes with its own set of classes and methods, which we can use directly inside our Angular components and services.
You can head to and follow the installation steps over there to get Firebase up and running. But since we are using a seed project, there are a few minor...