Let me give you a quick disclaimer. This is a bit of a manifesto. Last year I started a little technology company with some friends of mine. We were lucky enough to get a solid client for web development right away. He was an author in need of a blogging app to communicate with the fans of his upcoming book. In another post I have detailed how I used Angular.js, among other tools, to build this responsive, dynamic web app.
Using Angular.js is a wonderful experience and I would recommend it to anyone. However, Angular.js really only looks good by comparison. By this I mean, if we allow any web framework to exist in a vacuum and not simply rank them against one another, they are all pretty bad. Before you gather your pitchforks and torches to defend your favorite flavor let me explain myself.
What I am arguing in this post is that many of the frameworks we use are not worth their weight in code. In other words, we add a whole lot of code to our apps when we import the frameworks, and then in practice using the framework is only a little bit better than using jQuery, or even pure JavaScript. And yes I know that using jQuery means including a whole bunch of code into your web app, but frameworks like Angular.js are many times built on top of jQuery anyway. So, the weight of jQuery seems to be a necessary evil.
Let’s start with a simple http request for information from the backend. This is what it looks like in Angular.js:
$http.get('/dataSource').success(function(data) {
$scope.pageData = data;
Here is a similar request using Ember.js:
App.DataRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return this.store.find('data', params.data_id);
Here is a similar jQuery request:
$.get( "ajax/stuff.html", function( data ) {
$( ".result" ).html( data );
alert( "Load was performed." );
It's important for readers to remember that I am a front-end web developer. By this, I mean I am sure there are complicated, technical, and valid reasons why Ember.js and Angular.js are far superior to using jQuery. But, as a front-end developer, I am interested in speed and simplicity. When I look at these http requests and see that they are overwhelmingly similar I begin to wonder if these frameworks are actually getting any better.
One of the big draws to Angular.js and Ember.js is the use of handlebars to ease the creation of dynamic content. Angular.js using handlebars looks something like this:
<h1> {{ dynamicStuff }} </h1>
This is great because I can go into my controller and make changes to the dynamicStuff variable and it shows up on my page. However, the following accomplishes a similar task using jQuery.
$(function () {
var dynamicStuff = “This is dog”;
$(‘h1’).html( dynamicStuff );
I admit that there are many ways in which Angular.js or Ember.js make developing easier. DOM manipulation definitely takes less code and overall the development process is faster. However, there are many times that the limitations of the framework drive the development process. This means that developers sacrifice or change functionality simply to fit the framework. Of course, this is somewhat expected. What I am trying to say with this post is that if we are going to sacrifice load-times and constrict our development methods in order to use the framework of our choice can they at least be simpler to use?
So, just for the sake of advancement lets think about what the perfect web framework would be able to do. First of all, there needs to be less set up. The brevity and simplicity of the http request in Angular.js is great, but it requires injecting the correct dependencies in multiple files. This adds stress, opportunities to make mistakes and development time. So, instead of requiring the developer to grab each specific tool for each specific implementation what if the framework took care of that for you? By this I mean if I were to make an http request like this:
http( ‘targetURL’ , get , data)
When the source is compiled or interpreted the needed dependencies for this http request are dynamically brought into the mix. This way we can make a simpler http request and we can avoid the hassle of setting up the dependencies.
As far as DOM manipulation goes, the handlebars seem to be about as good as it gets. However, there needs to be better ways to target individual instances of a repeated elements such as <p> tags holding the captions in a photo gallery. The current solutions for problems like this one are overly complex. Especially when this issue involves one of the most common things on the internet, a photo gallery.
As you can see, I am more of a critic than a problem solver. I believe the issues I bring up here are valid. As we all become more and more entrenched in the Internet of Things, it would be nice if the development process caught up with the standards of ease that end users demand.