At Scala Days Lausanne 2019 in July, Martin Odersky, the lead designer of Scala, gave a tour of the upcoming major version, Scala 3.0. He talked about the roadmap to Scala 3.0, its new features, how its situation is different from Python 2 vs 3, and much more.
Odersky announced that “Scala 3.0 has almost arrived” since all the features are fleshed out, with implementations in the latest releases of Dotty, the next generation compiler for Scala. The team plans to go into feature freeze and release Scala 3.0 M1 in fall this year.
Following that the team will focus on stabilization, complete SIP process, and write specs and user docs. They will also work on community build, compatibility, and migration tasks. All these tasks will take about a year, so we can expect Scala 3.0 release in fall 2020.
Scala 2.13 was released in June this year. It was shipped with redesigned collections, updated futures implementation, language changes including literal types, partial unification on by default, by-name implicits, macro annotations, among others. The team is also working simultaneously on its next release, Scala 2.14. Its main focus will be to ease out the migration process from Scala 2 to 3 by defining migration tools, shim libraries, targeted deprecations, and more.
There is a whole lot of improvements coming in Scala 3.0, some of which Odersky discussed in his talk:
Scala 3.0 will drop support for ‘scala-reflect’ and ‘TypeTag’. Also, there hasn't been much discussion about its alternative. However, some developers believe that it is an important feature and is currently in use by many projects including Spark and doobie.
Explaining the reason behind dropping the support, a SIP committee member, wrote on the discussion forum, “The goal in Scala 3 is what we had before scala-reflect. For use-cases where you only need an 80% solution, you should be able to accomplish that with straight-up Java reflection. If you need more, TASTY can provide you the basics. However, we don’t think a 100% solution is something folks need, and it’s unclear if there should be a “core” implementation that is not 100%.”
Odersky shared that Scala 3.0 has quoted.Type as an alternative to TypeTag. He commented, “Scala 3 has the quoted package, with quoted.Expr as a representation of expressions and quoted.Type as a representation of types. quoted.Type essentially replaces TypeTag. It does not have the same API but has similar functionality. It should be easier to use since it integrates well with quoted terms and pattern matching.”
Follow the discussion on Scala Contributors.
Last month, Odersky proposed to bring indentation based syntax in Scala while also supporting the brace-based. This is because when it was first created, most of the languages used braces. However, with time indentation-based syntax has actually become the conventional syntax.
Listing the reasons behind this change, Odersky wrote,
Odersky answers this with both yes and no. Yes, because Scala 3.0 will include several language changes including feature removals. The introduced new constructs will improve user experience and on-boarding dramatically. There will also be a need to rewrite current Scala books to reflect the recent developments. No, because it will still be Scala and all core constructs will still be the same.
He concludes, "Between yes and no, I think the fairest answer is to say it is really a process. Scala 3 keeps most constructs of Scala 2.13, alongside the new ones. Some constructs like old implicits and so on will be phased out in the 3.x release train. So, that requires some temporary duplication in the language, but the end result should be a more compact and regular language.”
Comparing with Python 2 and 3, Odersky believes that Scala's situation is better because of static typing and binary compatibility. The current version of Dotty can be linked with Scala 2.12 or 2.13 files. He shared that in the future, it will be possible to have a Dotty library module that can then be used by both Scala 2 and 3 modules.
Read also: Core Python team confirms sunsetting Python 2 on January 1, 2020
Watch Odersky’s talk to know more in detail.
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