In this article, Abhijit Jana, Manish Sharma, and Mallikarjuna Rao, the authors of the book, HoloLens Blueprints, we will be covering the following points to introduce you to using HoloLens for exploratory data analysis.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Welcome to the world of Digital Reality. The purpose of Digital Reality is to bring immersive experiences, such as taking or transporting you to different world or places, make you interact within those immersive, mix digital experiences with reality, and ultimately open new horizons to make you more productive. Applications of Digital Reality are advancing day by day; some of them are in the field of gaming, education, defense, tourism, aerospace, corporate productivity, enterprise applications, and so on.
The spectrum and scenarios of Digital Reality are huge. In order to understand them better, they are broken down into three different categories:
This topic is mainly focused on developing MR applications using Microsoft HoloLens devices.
Although these technologies look similar in the way they are used, and sometimes the difference is confusing to understand, there is a very clear boundary that distinguishes these technologies from each other. As you can see in the following diagram, there is a very clear distinction between AR and VR. However, MR has a spectrum, that overlaps across all three boundaries of real world, AR, and MR.
Digital Reality Spectrum
The following table describes the differences between the three:
Till now, we have mentioned Hologram several times. It is evident that these are crucial for HoloLens and Holographic apps, but what is a Hologram?
Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality
Mixed Reality
Holograms are the virtual objects which will be made up with light and sound and blend with the real world to give us an immersive MR experience with both real and virtual worlds. In other words, a Hologram is an object like any other real-world object; the only difference is that it is made up of light rather than matter.
The technology behind making holograms is known as Holography.
The following figure represent two holographic objects placed on the top of a real-size table and gives the experience of placing a real object on a real surface:
Holograms objects in real environment
There are basically five ways that you can interact with holograms and HoloLens. Using your Gaze, Gesture, and Voice and with spatial audio and spatial mapping. Spatial mapping provides a detailed illustration of the real-world surfaces in the environment around HoloLens. This allows developers to understand the digitalized real environments and mix holograms into the world around you. Gaze is the most usual and common one, and we start the interaction with it. At any time, HoloLens would know what you are looking at using Gaze. Based on that, the device can take further decisions on the gesture and voice that should be targeted. Spatial audio is the sound coming out from HoloLens and we use spatial audio to inflate the MR experience beyond the visual.
HoloLens Interaction Model
The next step after elaborating scenario details is to come up with sketches for this scenario. There is a twofold purpose for sketching; first, it will be input to the next phase of asset development for the 3D Artist, as well as helping to validate requirements from the customer, so there are no surprises at the time of delivery.
For sketching, either the designer can take it up on their own and build sketches, or they can take help from the 3D Artist. Let's start with the sketch for the primary view of the scenario, where the user is viewing the HoloLens's hologram:
Sketch for user viewing hologram for the HoloLens
While viewing the hologram, a user can gaze at different interactive components. One such component, identified earlier, is the speaker. At the time of gazing at the speaker, it should be highlighted and the user can then Air Tap at it. The Air Tap action should expand the speaker hologram and the user should be able to view the speaker component in detail.
Sketch for expanded speakers
After the speakers are expanded, the user should be able to visualize the speaker components in detail. Now, if the user Air Taps on the expanded speakers, the application should do the following:
Textual and voice narration for speaker details
As you did sketching for the speakers, apply a similar approach and do sketching for other components, such as lenses, buttons, and so on.
Before jumping to 3D Modeling, let's understand the 3D Modeling workflow across different tools that we are going to use during the course of this topic. The following diagram explains the flow of the 3D Modeling workflow:
Flow of 3D Modeling workflow
In this project, we will be using the left-side speaker for applying Air Tap on speaker. However, you can apply the same for the right-side speaker as well.
Similar to Lenses, we have two objects here which we need to identify from the object explorer.
By default, when you are just viewing the Holograms, we will be hiding the speaker details section. This section only becomes visible when we do the Air Tap, and goes back again when we Air Tap again:
Speaker with Box Collider
Use the following script inside the ShowHideBehaviour.cs file. This script we can use for any other object to show or hide.
public class ShowHideBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject showHideObject;
public bool showhide = false;
private void Start()
MeshRenderer render =
if (render != null)
render.enabled = showhide;
catch (System.Exception)
The script finds the MeshRenderer component from the gameObject and enables or disables it based on the showhide property. In this script, the showhide is property exposed as public, so that you can provide the reference of the object from the Unity scene itself.
Attach ShowHideBehaviour.cs as components in speakerDetails tagged object. Then drag and drop the object in the showhide property section. This just takes the reference for the current speaker details objects and will hide the object in the first instance.
Attach show-hide script to the object
By default, it is unchecked, showhide is set to false and it will be hidden from view. At this point in time, you must check the left_speaker_details_geo on, as we are now handling visibility using code.
Now, during the Air Tapped event handler, we can handle the render object to enable visibility.
RaycastHit hit;
bool isTapped = false;
public void OnInputClicked(InputEventData eventData)
hit = GazeManager.Instance.HitInfo;
if (hit.transform.gameObject != null)
isTapped = !isTapped;
var lftSpeaker =
var lftSpeakerDetails =
MeshRenderer render =
if (isTapped)
lftSpeaker.transform.Translate(0.0f, -1.0f *
Time.deltaTime, 0.0f);
render.enabled = true;
lftSpeaker.transform.Translate(0.0f, 1.0f *
Time.deltaTime, 0.0f);
render.enabled = false;
When it is gazed, we find the game object for both LeftSpeaker and speakerDetails by the tag name. For the LeftSpeaker object, we are applying transformation based on tapped or not tapped, which worked like what we did for lenses. In the case of speaker details object, we have also taken the reference of MeshRenderer to make it's visibility true and false based on the Air Tap. Attach the SpeakerGestureHandler class with leftSpeaker Game Object.
Air Tap action for speaker is also done. Save the scene, build and run the solution in emulator once again. When you can see the cursor on the speaker, perform Air Tap.
Default View and Air Tapped View
We have learned about the data ingress flow, where devices connect with the IoT Hub, and stream analytics processes the stream of data and pushes it to storage. Now, in this section, let's discuss how this stored data will be consumed for data visualization within holographic application.
Solution to consume data through services
In this article, we demonstrated using HoloLens, for exploring Digital Reality - Under the Hood, Holograms in reality, Sketching the scenarios, 3D Modeling workflow, Adding Air Tap on speaker, and Real-time visualization through HoloLens.
Further resources on this subject: