Before Apache Karaf can provide you with an OSGi-based container runtime, we'll have to set up our environment first. The process is quick, requiring a minimum of normal Java usage integration work.
In this article we'll review:
As a lightweight container, Apache Karaf has sparse system requirements. You will need to check that you have all of the below specifications met or exceeded:
For our demos we'll use Apache Maven 3.0.x and Java SDK 1.7.x; these tools should be obtained for future use. However, they will not be necessary to operate the base Karaf installation. Before attempting to build demos, please set the MAVEN_HOME environment variable to point towards your Apache Maven distribution.
After verifying you have the above prerequisite hardware, operating system, JVM, and other software packages, you will have to set up your environment variables for JAVA_HOME and MAVEN_HOME. Both of these will be added to the system PATH.
Setting up JAVA_HOME Environment Variable
Apache Karaf honors the setting of JAVA_HOME in the system environment; if this is not set, it will pick up and use Java from PATH.
For users unfamiliar with setting environment variables, the following batch setup script will set up your windows environment:
@echo off REM execute setup.bat to setup environment variables. set JAVA_HOME=C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_31 set MAVEN_HOME=c:x1apache-maven-3.0.4 set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%bin;%MAVEN_HOME%bin;%PATH%echo %PATH%
The script creates and sets the JAVA_HOME and MAVEN_HOME variables to point to their local installation directories, and then adds their values to the system PATH. The initial echo off directive reduces console output as the script executes; the final echo command prints the value of PATH.
Managing Windows System Environment Variables
Windows environment settings can be managed via the Systems Properties control panel. Access to these controls varies according to the Windows release.
Conversely, in a Unix-like environment, a script similar to the following one will set up your environment:
# execute setup.sh to setup environment variables. JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk1.6.0_31 MAVEN_HOME=/path/to/apache-maven-3.0.4 PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$MAVEN_HOME/bin:$PATH export PATH JAVA_HOME MAVEN_HOME echo $PATH
The first two directives create and set the JAVA_HOME and MAVEN_HOME environment variables, respectively. These values are added to the PATH setting, and then made available to the environment via the export command.
Obtaining Apache Karaf distribution
As an Apache open source project, Apache Karaf is made available in both binary and source distributions. The binary distribution comes in a Linux-friendly, GNU-compressed archive and in Windows ZIP format. Your selection of distribution kit will affect which set of scripts are available in Karaf's bin folder. So, if you're using Windows, select the ZIP file; on Unix-like systems choose the tar.gz file.
Apache Karaf distributions may be obtained from http://karaf.apache.org/index/community/download.html. The following screenshot shows this link:
The primary download site for Apache Karaf provides a list of available mirror sites; it is advisable that you select a server nearer to your location for faster downloads. For the purposes of this article, we will be focusing on Apache Karaf 2.3.x with notes upon the 3.0.x release series.
Apache Karaf 2.3.x versus 3.0.x series
The major difference between Apache Karaf 2.3 and 3.0 lines is the core OSGi specification supported. Karaf 2.3 utilizes OSGi rev4.3, while Karaf 3.0 uses rev5.0. Karaf 3 also introduces several command name changes. There are a multitude of other internal differences between the code bases, and wherever appropriate, we'll highlight those changes that impact users throughout this text.
The installation of Apache Karaf only requires you to extract the tar.gz or .zip file in your desired target folder destination.
The following command is used in Windows:
unzip apache-karaf-.zip
The following command is used in Unix:
tar –zxf apache-karaf-.tar.gz
After extraction, the following folder structure will be present:
After extracting the Apache Karaf distribution kit and setting our environment variables, we are now ready to start up the container. The container can be started by invoking the Karaf script provided in the bin directory:
On Windows, use the following command:
On Unix, use the following command:
The following image shows the first boot screen:
Congratulations, you have successfully booted Apache Karaf! To stop the container, issue the following command in the console:
karaf@root> shutdown –f
The inclusion of the –for –-force flag to the shutdown command instructs Karaf to skip asking for confirmation of container shutdown.
Pressing Ctrl+ D will shut down Karaf when you are on the shell; however, if you are connected remotely (using SSH), this action will just log off the SSH session, it won't shut down Karaf.
We have discovered the prerequisites for installing Karaf, which distribution to obtain, how to install the container, and finally how to start it.