Case study
This section expands on the object-oriented design of our realistic example. We'll start with the diagrams created using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to help depict and summarize the software we're going to build.
We'll describe the various considerations that are part of the Python implementation of the class definitions. We'll start with a review of the diagrams that describe the classes to be defined.
Logical view
Here's the overview of the classes we need to build. This is (except for one new method) the previous chapter's model:

Figure 2.2: Logical view diagram
There are three classes that define our core data model, plus some uses of the generic list class. We've shown it using the type hint of List
. Here are the four central classes:
- The
class is a container with two lists of data samples, a list used for training our model and a list used for testing our model. Both lists are composed ofKnownSample
instances. Additionally, we'll also have a list of alternativeHyperparameter
values. In general, these are tuning values that change the behavior of the model. The idea is to test with different hyperparameters to locate the highest-quality model.We've also allocated a little bit of metadata to this class: the name of the data we're working with, the datetime of when we uploaded the data the first time, and the datetime of when we ran a test against the model.
- Each instance of the
class is the core piece of working data. In our example, these are measurements of sepal lengths and widths and petal lengths and widths. Steady-handed botany graduate students carefully measured lots and lots of flowers to gather this data. We hope that they had time to stop and smell the roses while they were working. - A
object is an extendedSample
. This part of the design foreshadows the focus of Chapter 3, When Objects Are Alike. AKnownSample
is aSample
with one extra attribute, the assigned species. This information comes from skilled botanists who have classified some data we can use for training and testing. - The
class has the k used to define how many of the nearest neighbors to consider. It also has a summary of testing with this value of k. The quality tells us how many of the test samples were correctly classified. We expect to see that small values of k (like 1 or 3) don't classify well. We expect middle values of k to do better, and very large values of k to not do as well.
The KnownSample
class on the diagram may not need to be a separate class definition. As we work through the details, we'll look at some alternative designs for each of these classes.
We'll start with the Sample
 (and KnownSample
)Â classes. Python offers three essential paths for defining a new class:
- AÂ
 definition; we'll focus on this to start. - AÂ
 definition. This provides a number of built-in features. While it's handy, it's not ideal for programmers who are new to Python, because it can obscure some implementation details. We'll set this aside for Chapter 7, Python Data Structures. - An extension to theÂ
 class. The most notable feature of this definition will be that the state of the object is immutable; the attribute values cannot be changed. Unchanging attributes can be a useful feature for making sure a bug in the application doesn't mess with the training data. We'll set this aside for Chapter 7, also.
Our first design decision is to use Python's class
 statement to write a class definition for Sample
 and its subclass KnownSample
. This may be replaced in the future (i.e., Chapter 7) with alternatives that use data classes as well as NamedTuple
Samples and their states
The diagram in Figure 2.2 shows the Sample
 class and an extension, the KnownSample
class. This doesn't seem to be a complete decomposition of the various kinds of samples. When we review the user stories and the process views, there seems to be a gap: specifically, the "make classification request" by a User requires an unknown sample. This has the same flower measurements attributes as a Sample
, but doesn't have the assigned species attribute of a KnownSample
. Further, there's no state change that adds an attribute value. The unknown sample will never be formally classified by a Botanist; it will be classified by our algorithm, but it's only an AI, not a Botanist.
We can make a case for two distinct subclasses of Sample
: This class contains the initial fourÂSample
 attributes. A User provides these objects to get them classified.ÂKnownSample
: This class has theÂSample
 attributes plus the classification result, a species name. We use these for training and testing the model.
Generally, we consider class definitions as a way to encapsulate state and behavior. An UnknownSample
 instance provided by a user starts out with no species. Then, after the classifier algorithm computes a species, the Sample
 changes state to have a species assigned by the algorithm.
A question we must always ask about class definitions is this:
Is there any change in behavior that goes with the change in state?
In this case, it doesn't seem like there's anything new or different that can happen. Perhaps this can be implemented as a single class with some optional attributes.
We have another possible state change concern. Currently, there's no class that owns the responsibility of partitioning Sample
 objects into the training or testing subsets. This, too, is a kind of state change.
This leads to a second important question:Â
What class has responsibility for making this state change?
In this case, it seems like the TrainingData
 class should own the discrimination between testing and training data.
One way to help look closely at our class design is to enumerate all of the various states of individual samples. This technique helps uncover a need for attributes in the classes. It also helps to identify the methods to make state changes to objects of a class.
Sample state transitions
Let's look at the life cycles of Sample
 objects. An object's life cycle starts with object creation, then state changes, and (in some cases) the end of its processing life when there are no more references to it. We have three scenarios:
- Initial load: We'll need aÂ
 method to populate aÂTrainingData
 object from some source of raw data. We'll preview some of the material in Chapter 9, Strings, Serialization, and File Paths, by saying that reading a CSV file often produces a sequence of dictionaries. We can imagine aload()
method using a CSV reader to createÂSample
 objects with a species value, making themÂKnownSample
objects. TheÂload()
 method splits theKnownSample
objects into the training and testing lists, which is an important state change for aÂTrainingData
 object. - Hyperparameter testing: We'll need aÂ
 method in theÂHyperparameter
 class. The body of theÂtest()
 method works with the test samples in the associatedÂTrainingData
object. For each sample, it applies the classifier and counts the matches between Botanist-assigned species and the best guess of our AI algorithm. This points out the need for aÂclassify()
 method for a single sample that's used by theÂtest()
 method for a batch of samples. TheÂtest()
 method will update the state of theÂHyperparameter
 object by setting the quality score. - User-initiated classification: A RESTful web application is often decomposed into separate view functions to handle requests. When handling a request to classify an unknown sample, the view function will have a
object used for classification; this will be chosen by the Botanist to produce the best results. The user input will be anÂUnknownSample
 instance. The view function applies theHyperparameter.classify()
method to create a response to the user with the species the iris has been classed as. Does the state change that happens when the AI classifies anUnknownSample
really matter? Here are two views:- EachÂ
 can have aÂclassified
 attribute. Setting this is a change in the state of theÂSample
. It's not clear that there's any behavior change associated with this state change. - The classification result is not part of theÂ
 at all. It's a local variable in the view function. This state change in the function is used to respond to the user, but has no life within theÂSample
- EachÂ
There's a key concept underlying this detailed decomposition of these alternatives:
There's no "right" answer.
Some design decisions are based on non-functional and non-technical considerations. These might include the longevity of the application, future use cases, additional users who might be enticed, current schedules and budgets, pedagogical value, technical risk, the creation of intellectual property, and how cool the demo will look in a conference call.
In Chapter 1, Object-Oriented Design, we dropped a hint that this application is the precursor to a consumer product recommender. We noted: "The users eventually want to tackle complex consumer products, but recognize that solving a difficult problem is not a good way to learn how to build this kind of application. It's better to start with something of a manageable level of complexity and then refine and expand it until it does everything they need."
Because of that, we'll consider a change in state from UnknownSample
to ClassifiedSample
 to be very important. The Sample
 objects will live in a database for additional marketing campaigns or possibly reclassification when new products are available and the training data changes.
We'll decide to keep the classification and the species data in the UnknownSample
This analysis suggests we can coalesce all the various Sample
 details into the following design:

Figure 2.3: The updated UML diagram
This view uses the open arrowhead to show a number of subclasses of Sample
. We won't directly implement these as subclasses. We've included the arrows to show that we have some distinct use cases for these objects. Specifically, the box for KnownSample
 has a condition species is not None to summarize what's unique about these Sample
 objects. Similarly, the UnknownSample
 has a condition, species is None, to clarify our intent around Sample
 objects with the species attribute value of None
In these UML diagrams, we have generally avoided showing Python's "special" methods. This helps to minimize visual clutter. In some cases, a special method may be absolutely essential, and worthy of showing in a diagram. An implementation almost always needs to have an __init__()
There's another special method that can really help: the  __repr__()
 method is used to create a representation of the object. This representation is a string that generally has the syntax of a Python expression to rebuild the object. For simple numbers, it's the number. For a simple string, it will include the quotes. For more complex objects, it will have all the necessary Python punctuation, including all the details of the class and state of the object. We'll often use an f-string with the class name and the attribute values.
Here's the start of a class, Sample
, which seems to capture all the features of a single sample:Â
class Sample:
def __init__(
sepal_length: float,
sepal_width: float,
petal_length: float,
petal_width: float,
species: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
self.sepal_length = sepal_length
self.sepal_width = sepal_width
self.petal_length = petal_length
self.petal_width = petal_width
self.species = species
self.classification: Optional[str] = None
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.species is None:
known_unknown = "UnknownSample"
known_unknown = "KnownSample"
if self.classification is None:
classification = ""
classification = f", {self.classification}"
return (
f"sepal_length={self.sepal_length}, "
f"sepal_width={self.sepal_width}, "
f"petal_length={self.petal_length}, "
f"petal_width={self.petal_width}, "
The __repr__()
 method reflects the fairly complex internal state of this Sample
 object. The states implied by the presence (or absence) of a species and the presence (or absence) of a classification lead to small behavior changes. So far, any changes in object behavior are limited to the __repr__()
 method used to display the current state of the object.Â
What's important is that the state changes do lead to a (tiny) behavioral change.
We have two application-specific methods for the Sample
 class. These are shown in the next code snippet:
def classify(self, classification: str) -> None:
self.classification = classification
def matches(self) -> bool:
return self.species == self.classification
The classify()
 method defines the state change from unclassified to classified. The matches()
 method compares the results of classification with a Botanist-assigned species. This is used for testing.
Here's an example of how these state changes can look:
>>> from model import Sample
>>> s2 = Sample(
... sepal_length=5.1, sepal_width=3.5, petal_length=1.4, petal_width=0.2, species="Iris-setosa")
>>> s2
KnownSample(sepal_length=5.1, sepal_width=3.5, petal_length=1.4, petal_width=0.2, species='Iris-setosa')
>>> s2.classification = "wrong"
>>> s2
KnownSample(sepal_length=5.1, sepal_width=3.5, petal_length=1.4, petal_width=0.2, species='Iris-setosa', classification='wrong')
We have a workable definition of the Sample
class. The __repr__()
method is quite complex, suggesting there may be some improvements possible.
It can help to define responsibilities for each class. This can be a focused summary of the attributes and methods with a little bit of additional rationale to tie them together.
Class responsibilities
Which class is responsible for actually performing a test? Does the Training
class invoke the classifier on each KnownSample
in a testing set? Or, perhaps, does it provide the testing set to the Hyperparameter
class, delegating the testing to the Hyperparameter
class? Since the Hyperparameter
class has responsibility for the k value, and the algorithm for locating the k-nearest neighbors, it seems sensible for the Hyperparameter
 class to run the test using its own k value and a list of KnownSample
instances provided to it.
It also seems clear the TrainingData
 class is an acceptable place to record the various Hyperparameter
trials. This means the TrainingData
 class can identify which of the Hyperparameter
instances has a value of k that classifies irises with the highest accuracy.
There are multiple, related state changes here. In this case, both the Hyperparameter
and TrainingData
classes will do part of the work. The system – as a whole – will change state as individual elements change state. This is sometimes described as emergent behavior. Rather than writing a monster class that does many things, we've written smaller classes that collaborate to achieve the expected goals.
This test()
 method of TrainingData
 is something that we didn't show in the UML image. We included test()
in the Hyperparameter
class, but, at the time, it didn't seem necessary to add it to TrainingData
Here's the start of the class definition:
class Hyperparameter:
"""A hyperparameter value and the overall quality of the classification."""
def __init__(self, k: int, training: "TrainingData") -> None:
self.k = k weakref.ReferenceType["TrainingData"] = weakref.ref(training)
self.quality: float
Note how we write type hints for classes not yet defined. When a class is defined later in the file, any reference to the yet-to-be-defined class is a forward reference. The forward references to the not-yet-defined TrainingData
 class are provided as strings, not the simple class name. When mypy is analyzing the code, it resolves the strings into proper class names.
The testing is defined by the following method:
def test(self) -> None:
"""Run the entire test suite."""
training_data: Optional["TrainingData"] =
if not training_data:
raise RuntimeError("Broken Weak Reference")
pass_count, fail_count = 0, 0
for sample in training_data.testing:
sample.classification = self.classify(sample)
if sample.matches():
pass_count += 1
fail_count += 1
self.quality = pass_count / (pass_count + fail_count)
We start by resolving the weak reference to the training data. This will raise an exception if there's a problem. For each testing sample, we classify the sample, setting the sample's classification
 attribute. The matches
 method tells us if the model's classification matches the known species. Finally, the overall quality is measured by the fraction of tests that passed. We can use the integer count, or a floating-point ratio of tests passed out of the total number of tests.
We won't look at the classification method in this chapter; we'll save that for Chapter 10, The Iterator Pattern. Instead, we'll finish this model by looking at the TrainingData
class, which combines the elements seen so far.
The TrainingData class
The TrainingData
 class has lists with two subclasses of Sample
 objects. The KnownSample
and UnknownSample
can be implemented as extensions to a common parent class, Sample
We'll look at this from a number of perspectives in Chapter 7. The TrainingData
class also has a list with Hyperparameter
 instances. This class can have simple, direct references to previously defined classes.
This class has the two methods that initiate the processing:
- TheÂ
 method reads raw data and partitions it into training data and test data. Both of these are essentiallyÂKnownSample
instances with different purposes. The training subset is for evaluating the k-NN algorithm; the testing subset is for determining how well the k hyperparameter is working. - TheÂ
 method uses aÂHyperparameter
 object, performs the test, and saves the result.
Looking back at Chapter 1's context diagram, we see three stories: Provide Training Data, Set Parameters and Test Classifier, and Make Classification Request. It seems helpful to add a method to perform a classification using a given Hyperparameter
instance. This would add a classify()
method to the TrainingData
class. Again, this was not clearly required at the beginning of our design work, but seems like a good idea now.
Here's the start of the class definition:
class TrainingData:
"""A set of training data and testing data with methods to load and test the samples."""
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name
self.uploaded: datetime.datetime
self.tested: datetime.datetime List[Sample] = []
self.testing: List[Sample] = []
self.tuning: List[Hyperparameter] = []
We've defined a number of attributes to track the history of the changes to this class. The uploaded time and the tested time, for example, provide some history. The training
, testing
, and tuning
attributes have Sample
objects and Hyperparameter
We won't write methods to set all of these. This is Python and direct access to attributes is a huge simplification to complex applications. The responsibilities are encapsulated in this class, but we don't generally write a lot of getter/setter methods.
In Chapter 5, When to Use Object-Oriented Programming, we'll look at some clever techniques, like Python's property definitions, additional ways to handle these attributes.
The load()
 method is designed to process data given by another object. We could have designed the load()
 method to open and read a file, but then we'd bind the TrainingData
 to a specific file format and logical layout. It seems better to isolate the details of the file format from the details of managing training data. In Chapter 5, we'll look closely at reading and validating input. In Chapter 9, Strings, Serialization, and File Paths, we'll revisit the file format considerations.
For now, we'll use the following outline for acquiring the training data:
def load(
raw_data_source: Iterable[dict[str, str]]
) -> None:
"""Load and partition the raw data"""
for n, row in enumerate(raw_data_source):
... filter and extract subsets (See Chapter 6)
... Create and self.testing subsets
self.uploaded =
We'll depend on a source of data. We've described the properties of this source with a type hint, Iterable[dict[str, str]]
. The Iterable
 states that the method's results can be used by a for
 statement or the list
 function. This is true of collections like lists and files. It's also true of generator functions, the subject of Chapter 10, The Iterator Pattern.
The results of this iterator need to be dictionaries that map strings to strings. This is a very general structure, and it allows us to require a dictionary that looks like this:
"sepal_length": 5.1,
"sepal_width": 3.5,
"petal_length": 1.4,
"petal_width": 0.2,
"species": "Iris-setosa"
This required structure seems flexible enough that we can build some object that will produce it. We'll look at the details in Chapter 9.
The remaining methods delegate most of their work to the Hyperparameter
class. Rather than do the work of classification, this class relies on another class to do the work:
def test(
parameter: Hyperparameter) -> None:
"""Test this Hyperparameter value."""
self.tested =
def classify(
parameter: Hyperparameter,
sample: Sample) -> Sample:
"""Classify this Sample."""
classification = parameter.classify(sample)
return sample
In both cases, a specific Hyperparameter
object is provided as a parameter. For testing, this makes sense because each test should have a distinct value. For classification, however, the "best" Hyperparameter
object should be used for classification.
This part of the case study has built class definitions for Sample
, KnownSample
, TrainingData
, and Hyperparameter
. These classes capture parts of the overall application. This isn't complete, of course; we've omitted some important algorithms. It's good to start with things that are clear, identify behavior and state change, and define the responsibilities. The next pass of design can then fill in details around this existing framework.