Brand and marks management
One of the last considerations (you could argue it’s one of the most critical for a project) is managing the brand. For a smaller project, this might not seem like such a big deal, but for a bigger project, this can be critical to its success.
We’ve seen examples of this many times in open source. One that comes to mind immediately is the PHP project, which in the early 2000s took off as the go-to web development language. From there, all sorts of projects were built using PHP. One such project was named phpMyAdmin, which is still a popular web application for managing MySQL databases. We saw all sorts of projects taking the same approach, naming themselves PHP, which could mean anything from a developer tool, end user application, or library. The only common thread was they were written in PHP.
On the one hand, that sort of publicity made PHP more popular. But on the other hand, it added confusion; for example, is phpMyAdmin from the...