Further reading
You may find the links listed below useful for additional reading on Microsoft 365 Defender:
- A complete comparison of MDE features and capabilities for each OS: https://campbell.scot/mdecomparison
- Aaron Dinnage’s Microsoft 365 Licensing maps, which include breakdowns of licensing types across Microsoft 365, including Microsoft Defender for Business, Endpoint, and Office 365: https://m365maps.com
- Microsoft 365 Defender’s portal – not exactly further reading, but for obvious reasons, you’re going to want to bookmark this: https://security.microsoft.com
- What’s new in Microsoft 365 Defender: a useful Microsoft Docs page for keeping in the loop with Microsoft 365 Defender’s constant changes: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/defender/whats-new
- The Microsoft Security blog, which posts updates about Microsoft security services, including Microsoft 365 Defender, and other security analysis...