There are two special directories under every directory in the filesystem:
- Current working directory represented by one dot (.)
- Parent directory represented by two dots (..)

It's easy to understand both directories by going through a few examples. To demonstrate, let's first change to /home/elliot so that it becomes our current working directory:
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~/Desktop$ cd /home/elliot
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ pwd
Now run the cd . command:
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ cd .
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ pwd
As you would expect, nothing happened! We are still at /home/elliot, and that is because one dot (.) represents the current working directory. It's like if you told someone, "Go where you are!"
Now run the cd .. command:
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ cd ..
elliot@ubuntu-linux:/home$ pwd
We moved back one directory! In other words, we changed to the parent directory of /home/elliot, which is /home.
Let's run another cd ..:
elliot@ubuntu-linux:/home$ cd ..
elliot@ubuntu-linux:/$ pwd
Indeed we keep going back, and now we are at the root of our directory tree. Well, let's run cd .. one more time:
elliot@ubuntu-linux:/$ cd ..
elliot@ubuntu-linux:/$ pwd
Hmmm, we are at the same directory! Our path didn't change, and that's because we are at the root of our directory tree already, so we can't go any further back. As a result, the root directory (/) is the only directory where the parent directory = current directory, and you can visualize it by looking at figure 10.
You can also insert the directory separator cd ../.. to move back two directories at once:
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ pwd
elliot@ubuntu-linux:~$ cd ../..
elliot@ubuntu-linux:/$ pwd
You can also run cd ../../.. to move back three directories and so on.