Capistrano is a deployment tool written in Ruby that is able to deploy projects using any language or framework, through a set of recipes, which are also written in Ruby. Capistrano expects an application to have a single repository and it is able to run arbitrary commands on the server through an SSH non-interactive session.
Capistrano was designed assuming that an application is completely described by a single repository with all code belonging to it. For example, your web application is written with Ruby on Rails and simply serving that application would be enough. But what if you decide to use a separate application for managing your users, in a separate language and framework? Or maybe some issue tracker application? You could setup a proxy server to properly deliver each request to the right application based upon the request path for example. But the problem remains: how do you use Capistrano to manage more complex scenarios like this if it supports a single repository?
The typical approach is to integrate Capistrano on each of the component applications and then switching between those projects before deploying those components. Not only this is a lot of work to deploy all of these components, but it may also lead to a duplication of settings. For example, if your main application and the user management application both use the same database for a given environment, you’d have to duplicate this setting in each of the components.
For the Market Tracker product, used byLexisNexis clients (which we develop at e-Core for Matterhorn Transactions Inc.), we were looking for a better way to manage many component applications, in lots of environments and servers. We wanted to manage all of them from a single repository, instead of adding Capistrano integration to each of our component’s repositories and having to worry about keeping the recipes in sync between each of the maintained repository branches.
The Market Tracker application we maintain consists of three different applications: the main one, another to export search results to Excel files, and an administrative interface to manage users and other entities. We host the application in three servers: two for the real thing and another back-up server. The first two are identical ones and allow us to have redundancy and zero downtime deployments except for a few cases where we change our database schema in incompatible ways with previous versions.
To add to the complexity of deploying our three composing applications to each of those servers, we also need to deploy them multiple times for different environments like production, certification, staging, and experimental. All of them run on the same server, in separate ports, and they are running separate databases:Solr and Redis instances.
This is already complex enough to manage when you integrate Capistrano to each of your projects, but it gets worse. Sometimes you find bugs in production and have to release quick fixes, but you can't deploy the version in the master branch that has several other changes. At other times you find bugs on your Capistrano recipes themselves and fix them on the master. Or maybe you are changing your deploy settings rather than the application’s code. When you have to deploy to production, depending on how your Capistrano recipes work, you may have to change to the production branch, backport any changes for the Capistrano recipes from the master and finally deploy the latest fixes. This happens if your recipe will use any project files as a template and they moved to another place in the master branch, for example.
We decided to try another approach, similar to what we do with our database migrations. Instead of integrating the database migrations into the main application (the default on Rails, Django, Grails, and similar web frameworks) we prefer to handle it as a separate project. In our case we use theactive_record_migrations gem, which brings standalone support for ActiveRecord migrations (the same that is bundled with Rails apps by default).
Our database is shared between the administrative interface project and the main web application and we feel it's better to be able to manage our database schema independently from the projects using the database. We add the migrations project to the other application as submodules so that we know what database schema is expected to work for a particular commit of the application, but that's all.
We wanted to apply the same principles to our Capistrano recipes. We wanted to manage all of our applications on different servers and environments from a single project containing the Capistrano recipes. We also wanted to store the common settings in a single place to avoid code duplication, which makes it hard to add new environments or update existing ones.
It seems we were not the first to want all Capistrano recipes for all of our applications in a single project. We first tried a project called caphub. It worked fine initially and its inheritance model would allow us to avoid our code duplication.
Well, not entirely. The problem is that we needed some kind of multiple inheritances or mixins. We have some settings, like token private key, that are unique across environments, like Certification and Production. But we also have other settings that are common in within a server. For example, the database host name will be the same for all applications and environments inside our collocation facility, but it will be different in our backup server at Amazon EC2.
CapHub didn't help us to get rid of the duplication in such cases, but it certainly helped us to find a simple solution to get what we wanted. Let's explore how Capistrano 3 allows us to easily manage such complex scenarios that are more common than you might think.
Since Capistrano 3, multistage support is built-in (there was a multistage extension for Capistrano 2). That means you can writecap stage_nametask_name, for examplecap production deploy. By default,cap install will generate two stages: production and staging. You can generate as many as you want, for example:
cap install STAGES=production,cert,staging,experimental,integrator
But how do we deploy each of those stages to our multiple servers, since the settings for each stage may be different across the servers? Also, how can we manage separate applications? Even though those settings are called "stages" by Capistrano, you can use it as you want. For example, suppose our servers are named m1,m2, and ec2 and the applications are named web, exporter and admin. We can create settings likem1_staging_web, ec2_production_admin, and so on.
This will result in lots of files (specifically 45 = 5 x 3 x 3 to support five environments, three applications, and three servers) but it's not a big deal if you consider the settings files can be really small, as the examples will demonstrate later on in this article by using mixins. Usually people will start with staging and production only, and then gradually add other environments. Also, they usually start with one or two servers and keep growing as they feel the need. So supporting 45 combinations is not such a pain since you don’t write all of them at once.
On the other hand, if you have enough resources to have a separate server for each of your environments, Capistrano will allow you to add multiple "server" declarations and assign roles to them, which can be quite useful if you're running a cluster of servers. In our case, to avoid downtime we don't upgrade all servers in our cluster at once. We also don't have the budget to host 45 virtual machines or even 15. So the little effort to generate 45 small settings files compensates the savings with hosting expenses.
My next post will create an example deployment project from scratch providing detail for everything that has been discussed in this post. But first, let me introduce the concept of what we call a mixin in our project.
Capistrano 3 is simply a wrapper on top of Rake. Rake is a build tool written in Ruby, similar to “make.” It has targets and targets have prerequisites. This fits nicely in the way Capistrano works, where some deployment tasks will depend on other tasks. Instead of a Rakefile (Rake’s Makefile) Capistrano will use a Capfile, but other than that it works almost the same way. The Domain Specific Language (DSL) in a Capfile is enhanced as you include Capistrano extensions to the Rake DSL. Here’s a sample Capfile, generated by cap install, when you install Capistrano:
# Load DSL and Setup Up Stages
# Includes default deployment tasks
# Includes tasks from other gems included in your Gemfile
# For documentation on these, see for example:
# https://github.com/capistrano/rvm
# https://github.com/capistrano/rbenv
# https://github.com/capistrano/chruby
# https://github.com/capistrano/bundler
# https://github.com/capistrano/rails
# require 'capistrano/rvm'
# require 'capistrano/rbenv'
# require 'capistrano/chruby'
# require 'capistrano/bundler'
# require 'capistrano/rails/assets'
# require 'capistrano/rails/migrations'
# Loads custom tasks from `lib/capistrano/tasks' if you have any defined.
Dir.glob('lib/capistrano/tasks/*.rake').each { |r| import r }
Just like a Rakefile, a Capfile is valid Ruby code, which you can easily extend using regular Ruby code. So, to support a mixin DSL, we simply need to extend the DSL, like this:
defmixin (path)
loadFile.join('config', 'mixins', path +'.rb')
Pretty simple, right? We prefer to add this to a separate file, like lib/mixin.rb and add this to the Capfile:
require 'lib/mixin'
After that, calling mixin 'environments/staging' should load settings that are common for the staging environment from a file called config/mixins/environments/staging.rb in the root of the Capistrano-enabled project. This is the base to set up our deployment project that we will create in the next post.
Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas lives in Vitória-ES, Brazil, with his lovely wife and daughter. He graduated in Electrical Engineering with a Master’s degree in Robotics and Real-time Systems.For the past five years Rodrigo has focused on building and maintaining single page web applications. He is the author of some gems includingactive_record_migrations, rails-web-console, the JS specs runner oojspec, sequel-devise and the Linux X11 utility ktrayshortcut.Rodrigo was hired by e-Core (Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil) to work from home, building and maintaining software forMatterhorn Transactions Inc. with a team of great developers. Matterhorn'smain product, the Market Tracker, is used by LexisNexis clients.