In today's tutorial, you will learn to design REST services. We will break down the key design considerations you need to make when building RESTful web APIs. In particular, we will focus on the core elements of the REST architecture style:
This article is an excerpt from a book written by Balachandar Bogunuva Mohanram, titled RESTful Java Web Services, Second Edition. This book will help you build robust, scalable and secure RESTful web services, making use of the JAX-RS and Jersey framework extensions.
Let's start by discussing the guidelines for identifying resources in a problem domain.
Richardson Maturity Model—Leonardo Richardson has developed a model to help with assessing the compliance of a service to REST architecture style. The model defines four levels of maturity, starting from level-0 to level-3 as the highest maturity level. The maturity levels are decided considering the aforementioned principle elements of the REST architecture.
The basic steps that yoneed to take while building a RESTful web API for a specific problem domain are:
Once you have identified all resources, as the next step, you may want to map the operations defined on the resources to the appropriate HTTP methods.
The most commonly used HTTP methods (verbs) in RESTful web APIs are POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE. Note that there is no one-to-one mapping between the CRUD operations defined on the resources and the HTTP methods. Understanding of idempotent and safe operation concepts will help with using the correct HTTP method.
An operation is called idempotent if multiple identical requests produce the same result. Similarly, an idempotent RESTful web API will always produce the same result on the server irrespective of how many times the request is executed with the same parameters; however, the response may change between requests.
An operation is called safe if it does not modify the state of the resources.
Check out the following table:
Here are some tips for identifying the most appropriate HTTP method for the operations that you want to perform on the resources:
A GET method can return the 200 OK HTTP response code on the successful retrieval of resources. If there is any error, it can return an appropriate status code such as 404 NOT FOUND or 400 BAD REQUEST.
You can use PUT to create or update a resource if all attributes of the resource are available with the client. This makes sure that the server state does not change with multiple PUT requests. On the other hand, if you send partial resource content in a PUT request multiple times, there is a chance that some other clients might have updated some attributes that are not present in your request. In such cases, the server cannot guarantee that the state of the resource on the server will remain identical when the same request is repeated, which breaks the idempotency rule.
POST hrapp/api/employees HTTP/1.1 Host: packtpub.com {employee entity resource in JSON}
201 Created Location: hrapp/api/employees/1001
Best practice
Use caching only for idempotent and safe HTTP methods, as others have an impact on the state of the resources.
A common question that you will encounter while designing a RESTful web API is when you should use the PUT and POST methods? Here's the simplified answer:
You can use PUT for creating or updating a resource, when the client has the full resource content available. In this case, all values are with the client and the server does not generate a value for any of the fields.
You will use POST for creating or updating a resource if the client has only partial resource content available. Note that you are losing the idempotency support with POST. An idempotent method means that you can call the same API multiple times without changing the state. This is not true for the POST method; each POST method call may result in a server state change. PUT is idempotent, and POST is not. If you have strong customer demands, you can support both methods and let the client choose the suitable one on the basis of the use case.
Resources are a fundamental concept in RESTful web services. A resource represents an entity that is accessible via the URI that you provide. The URI, which refers to a resource (which is known as a RESTful web API), should have a logically meaningful name. Having meaningful names improves the intuitiveness of the APIs and, thereby, their usability. Some of the widely followed recommendations for naming resources are shown here:
ResourceGETPOSTPUTDELETE/departmentsGet all departmentsCreate a new departmentBulk update on departmentsDelete all departments/departments/10Get the HR department with id=10Not allowedUpdate the HR departmentDelete the HR department
The resource path URI may contain plural nouns representing a collection of resources, followed by a singular resource identifier to return a specific resource item from the collection. This pattern can repeat in the URI, allowing you to drill down a collection for reading a specific item. For instance, the following URI represents an employee resource identified by id=200 within the HR department: /departments/hr/employees/200.
Although the HTTP protocol does not place any limit on the length of the resource URI, it is recommended not to exceed 2,000 characters because of the restriction set by many popular browsers.
Best practice: Avoid using actions or verbs in the URI as it refers to a resource.
Hypertext as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) refers to the use of hypermedia links in the resource representations. This architectural style lets the clients dynamically navigate to the desired resource by traversing the hypermedia links present in the response body. There is no universally accepted single format for representing links between two resources in JSON.
The Hypertext API Language (HAL) is a promising proposal that sets the conventions for expressing hypermedia controls (such as links) with JSON or XML. Currently, this proposal is in the draft stage. It mainly describes two concepts for linking resources:
Here is the link to this proposal: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kelly-json-hal-06. It defines the following properties for each resource link:
The following example demonstrates how you can use the HAL format for describing the department resource containing hyperlinks to the associated employee resources. This example uses the JSON HAL for representing resources, which is represented using the application/hal+json media type:
GET /departments/10 HTTP/1.1 Host: packtpub.com Accept: application/hal+json HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/hal+json { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/departments/10" }, "employees": { "href": "/departments/10/employees" }, "employee": { "href": "/employees/{id}", "templated": true } }, "_embedded": { "manager": { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/employees/1700" } }, "firstName": "Chinmay", "lastName": "Jobinesh", "employeeId": "1700", } }, "departmentId": 10, "departmentName": "Administration" }
To summarize, we discussed the details of designing RESTful web APIs including identifying the resources, using HTTP methods, and naming the web resources. Additionally we got introduced to Hypertext application language.
Getting started with Django RESTful Web Services