Congratulations, you’ve written a web application! Now what?
Part one of this post deals with steps to take after development, more specifically the creation of a Docker image that contains the application. In part two, I’ll lay out deploying that image to the Google Cloud Platform as well as some further reading that'll help you descend into the rabbit hole that is DevOps.
For demonstration purposes, let’s say that you’re me and you want to share your adventures in TrapRap and Death Metal (not simultaneously, thankfully!) with the world. I’ve written a simple Ember frontend for this purpose, and through the course of this post, I will explain to you how I go about containerizing it. Of course, the beauty of this procedure is that it will work with any frontend application, and you are certainly welcome to Bring Your Own Code. Everything I use is publically available on GitHub, however, and you’re certainly welcome to work through this post with the material presented as well.
So, I’ve got this web app. You can get it here, or you can run:
$ git clone https://github.com/ndarwincorn/docker-demo.git
Do this for wherever it is you keep your source code. You’ll need ember-cli and some familiarity with Ember to customize it yourself, or you can just cut to the chase and build the Docker image, which is what I’m going to do in this post. I’m using Docker 1.10, but there’s no reason this wouldn’t work on a Mac running Docker Toolbox (or even Boot2Docker, but don’t quote me on that) or a less bleeding edge Linux distro. Since installing Docker is well documented, I won’t get into that here and will continue with the assumption that you have a working, up-to-date Docker installed on your machine, and that the Docker daemon is running. If you’re working with your own app, feel free to skip below to my explanation of the process and then come back here when you’ve got a Dockerfile in the root of your application.
In the root of the application, run the following (make sure you don’t have any locally-installed web servers listening on port 80 already):
# docker build -t docker-demo .
# docker run -d -p 80:80 --name demo docker-demo
Once the command finishes by printing a container ID, launch a web browser and navigate to http://localhost. Hey! Now you can listen to my music served from a LXC container running on your very own computer.
How did we accomplish this? Let’s take it piece-by-piece (here’s where to start reading again if you’ve approached this article with your own app):
I created a simple Dockerfile using the official Nginx image because I have a deep-seated mistrust of Canonical and don’t want to use the Dockerfile here. Here’s what it looks like in my project:
FROM nginx
COPY dist/usr/share/nginx/html
Running the docker build command reads the Dockerfile and uses it to configure a docker image based on the nginx image. During image configuration, it copies the contents of the dist folder in my project to /srv/http/docker-demo in the container, which the nginx configuration that was mentioned is pointed to. The -t flag tells Docker to ‘tag’ (name) the image we’ve just created as ‘docker-demo’.
The docker run command takes that image and builds a container from it. The -d flag is short for ‘detach’, or run the /usr/bin/nginx command built into the image from our Dockerfile and leave the container running. The -p flag maps a port on the host to a port in the container, and --name names the container for later reference. The command should return a container ID that can be used to manipulate it later.
In part two, I’ll show you how to push the image we created to the Google Cloud Platform and then launch it as a container in a specially-purposed VM on their Compute Engine.
Darwin Corn is a Systems Analyst for the Consumer Direct Care Network. He is a mid-level professional with diverse experience in the Information Technology world.