TensorFlow team has released a new version of TensorFlow.js - a browser-based JavaScript library - for training and deploying machine learning models. This new version 0.11.1 has brought notable features in their armory to ease WebGL accelerated browser-based machine learning.
TensorFlow.js is an open source JavaScript library which allows you to build machine learning models in the browser. It provides you flexible and intuitive high-level APIs to build, train and run models from scratch. This means you can run and retrain pre-existing TensorFlow and Keras models right in the browser.
Some of the noteworthy changes available in TensorFlow.js 0.11:
In order to know more about each medium used to save and load models in TensorFlow.js, you can refer the tutorials page.
There are a set of new features added to both TensorFlow.js Core API and TensorFlow.js Layers API:
TensorFlow.js Core API (0.8.3 ==> 0.11.0)
TensorFlow.js Core API provides low-level, hardware-accelerated linear algebra operations. It also provides an eager API for carrying out automatic differentiation.
Breaking changes
Performance and development changes
New features added to the Core API
For the complete list of new features, documentation changes, a plethora of bug fixes and other miscellaneous changes added to the Core API you can refer the release notes.
TensorFlow.js Layers API (0.5.2 ==> 0.6.1)
TensorFlow.js Layers API is a high-level machine learning model API built on TensorFlow.js Core. This API can be used to build, train and execute deep learning models in the browser.
Breaking changes
Feature changes
For the complete list of documentation changes, bug fixes and other miscellaneous changes added to the Layers API you can refer the release notes.