Models, Migrations, and Databases
Active Record is the power behind the model in Rails – the "M" in MVC – which manages data and business logic. Active Record helps in the creation of business objects whose data exists in a database. All this interaction is managed very easily since Active Record is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) system.
To know more about ORM, see
Rails, by default, comes with SQLite support, which is a lightweight serverless database. However, with production applications, it's possible to end up overloading SQLite, so it is advised to use a more stable database, such as PostgreSQL or MySQL. For development, we will also use SQLite, but when we deploy our application for production, we will use PostgreSQL. The switch from SQLite to PostgreSQL is very simple.
To see your database settings, open config/database.yml
# SQLite version 3.x # gem install sqlite3 # &...