Creating our backend project
First, you need to create a backend directory in your GraphQL project (graphql/backend
). After that, let’s review the huge list of NPM packages you will need to install (focusing on the most relevant):
npm init --yes
npm install @apollo/server@4.7.3 @contentpi/lib@1.0.10 @graphql-tools/load-files@7.0.0 @graphql-tools/merge@9.0.0 @graphql-tools/schema@10.0.0 body-parser@1.20.2 cors@2.8.5 dotenv@16.1.4 express@4.18.2 graphql-middleware@6.1.34 graphql-tag@2.12.6 jsonwebtoken@9.0.0 pg@8.11.0 pg-hstore@2.3.4 pm2@5.3.0 sequelize@6.32.0 ts-node@10.9.1
npm install --save-dev prettier@2.8.8 ts-node-dev@2.0.0 typescript@5.1.3 eslint@8.42.0 @types/jsonwebtoken@9.0.2 @types/cors@2.8.13
Please note that some readers of my last book encountered issues with certain code that did not work as intended. This is due to updates to package versions since the time of writing.
To ensure that the code in this book functions correctly, I have specified the...