Understanding the expenses-by-vendor summary report
In order to maintain a healthy and positive bottom line, you need to be aware of what your business expenses are. An expenses-by-vendor summary report provides detailed information about the vendors with whom you are spending your money. This report includes a list of vendors and the total amount you have paid for a specific time period. You can use this report to gauge what your largest expenses are. Plus, you can also use the information in this report to negotiate better pricing with those suppliers from whom you purchase the most.
Follow these steps to generate an expenses-by-vendor summary report:
- Navigate to Reports from the left menu bar, as indicated in Figure 13.9:

Figure 13.9: Navigating to the Reports Center
- Scroll down to the Expenses and vendors section and select Expenses by Vendor Summary, as indicated in Figure 13.10:

Figure 13.10: Selecting the Expenses by Vendor...